Mount Olivet

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Moments of Meaning: John Darnall


John was a Sunday School teacher years ago when his kids were little, but now that he has grown children and young grandchildren, he thought that era was behind him.  But two years ago, John saw an announcement in the bulletin that there was a need for Bible Explorer Guides on Sunday mornings.  He wondered to himself, “Is this something I should do?”  For the next few weeks he continued to notice this announcement and began asking “Is God calling me to this?  Why do I keep noticing and being drawn to this announcement?!”  He kept feeling this pull, this call to say, “yes!” and he so he did!  He’s now in his 2nd year of leading Bible Explorers as a grandfather.  He enjoys coming to BE because of the kids and how fun they are.  He looks forward to connecting with them and observing how they think, problem solve, connect their own lives to the message and Bible story and shine their own gifts and talents into the classroom and into the world.

John feels that leading BE has helped him become more comfortable to teach lessons and share his faith.  He relates his feeling of call to The Great Commission.  “Aren’t we called to go and make disciples?  Not just of others out there in the world, but right here…we’re making disciples right here with these children at Mount Olivet.  I’m able to share Bible stories with them and help make connections to real life.  For example, in the story when the disciples are afraid and Jesus calms the sea, we make the connection that in our lives when we are afraid, feeling alone or stressed, maybe with a test or problem at school, we can trust that we are not alone, Jesus is always with us and will help calm whatever it is going on in our lives, don’t worry.”

John enjoys connecting with the kids and getting to know each of them and their unique personalities.  He delights in knowing their names and personalities and saying hi or giving a high five outside of their time together at Bible Explorers – “They always seem happy and surprised when I say hi or wave to them while we’re upstairs in worship or the welcome center or even outside of Mount Olivet.  I think it’s important for children to know other people, other than their parents, care about them.”

John isn’t quite sure of the exact impact he has as a BE guide, but he believes that God is calling him to this ministry, and there are moments where he finds meaning by getting to accompany children at Mount Olivet through the good and the bad of their lives - he can be a support to the family of a child whose parent who is living with cancer, or be a source of safety and comfort for a student who is quiet and shy and the beginning of each lesson, but warms up and feels comfortable and connected, having fun by the end of their time together. John says “Many times we feel called to something and don’t know why, but we follow God’s call and only later realize the impact on others but also how we have been changed, too.” We are grateful that John said yes to this call.