9th Grade Retreat
Prepare for confirmation by making I believe statements, bible verses, and stoles. We also play lots of games, have lots of snacks and spend time connecting in community. Cost is $160 per student, and scholarships are available. The 9th Retreat will be at Camp Friendship this year.
Sign up your 9th grade student below.
Faith Formation Co-Op Update
Join the Faith Formation Co-op Team for an update about faith formation programming after the listening sessions that happened this winter!
Faith Formation Co-Op Listening Session
Faith Formation Co-Op Listening Session for 9th-12th Graders
The Co-Op Team is hosting listening sessions this fall and winter to discern next steps for youth & family faith formation at Mount Olivet.
Wondering more about what this process is about? Find out more about this two year process HERE.
Co-0p team members include Dan Roff, Tori Selzler, Kirsten Scheller, Adia Capistrant, Quinn Himmelberg, Feven Harder, Zac Harder, Rich Holleque, and Beth McGrew-King.
Epiphany Retreat
Sign Up HERE to register for the Epiphany Retreat Sunday January 12th from 2-6pm
It is a new year, and we need time to breath and reflect before the flurry begins again. Come for an afternoon of body and spirit renewal. This retreat will include dwelling in the story of the Magi, learning the art of Haiku writing led by local poet, Lori Hetteen, Yoga Nidra, a practice to renew your body and spirit led by Ann Arens, health/wellness coach and yoga instructor. You will receive a star word that is uniquely yours, and a limited edition print of an Epiphany haiku written by Lori Hetteen just for this event. There will be refreshments and time to connect with others curious about what this new year will hold.
This event is funded in part by a contemplative prayer grant from St. Catherine’s University.
Sunday, January 12th 2:00-6:00pm
Location: Mount Olivet Lutheran Church of Plymouth
12235 Old Rockford Road, Plymouth 55441
Register here
$20/per person and a sweet deal if you invite a friend $30/two people
Dress is casual and comfortable. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket
1:30-2:00: Welcome and registration
2:00-2:45: Dwelling in the Magi story (Matthew 2: 1-12)
3:00-4:00: Haiku teaching, writing, and sharing
4:00-4:45: Snacks, conversation, and star gazing
5:00-6:00: Yoga Nidra
Meet retreat leaders:
Lori Hetteen:
Lori Hetteen writes poems and then, because she cannot leave well enough alone, often creates accompanying artwork. She has three collections of poetry: Seventeen Syllables (2018), The Moon Says Hello (2020), and Stacks of Kindnesses (2022). She and her historian husband have four mostly grown children and live in Minneapolis with two perfect dogs and a tiny tarantula. You can find her work at and on Instagram @lorihetteen
Ann Arens:
Ann is a certified yoga teacher and nationally board-certified health and wellbeing coach. The connection of mind and body wellness has been a passion of Ann’s for many years. One of her favorite yoga classes to teach is Yoga Nidra. This 2,000-year-old practice is also known as yogic sleep and NSDR (non-sleep deep rest). Research on Yoga Nidra has shown it provides deep relaxing mind and body benefits by reducing stress and anxiety, rebalancing the nervous system, and deepening unconscious awareness.
I hope you can join us!
Please contact Pastor Beth Horsch @ bhorsch@moply.org with questions.
Epiphany Bible Study with Ron Troxel JAN Sundays between services on 12th & 19th
Sundays between Services on January (5th) 12th and 19th
December 29 Worship
On Sunday, December 29 there will be ONE service at 10am. No 9am or 10:45am worship, and no Sunday Faith Explorers.
Christmas Eve Worship
This Christmas Eve join Mount Olivet for worship with candle lighting in the worship center. Services are at 2:00pm, 3;30pm and 10pm.
Christmas Eve Worship in the Historic Chapel
Join Mount Olivet for Christmas Eve worship with candle lighting in the Historic Chapel on December 24 at 8:30pm. Due to limited seating in the chapel, reservations are required. Sign up HERE.
Christmas Eve Worship
This Christmas Eve join Mount Olivet for worship with candle lighting in the worship center. Services are at 2:00pm, 3;30pm and 10pm.
Christmas Eve Worship
This Christmas Eve join Mount Olivet for worship with candle lighting in the worship center. Services are at 2:00pm, 3;30pm and 10pm.
Thank You & Farewell to Pastor Kristin
We will take time to say thank you and good-bye to Pastor Kristin and her family on Sunday, December 22. There will be ONE worship service that morning at 10am, followed by time for fellowship and celebration.
If you would like to contribute to a community gift to honor Pastor Kristin, you can give online HERE. You may also mail a check to Mount Olivet with "Pastor Kristin" in the memo line.
MOtalk: Council Update
Join the Mount Olivet Council in the Fireside Room on Sunday, December 15 for a financial update.
Senior High Lock-In
We're packing in games, snacks, late night pizza, midnight chapel, service projects, and more. Open to all 9th-12th graders and only $25 to join the fun! Sign up below!
SimpleGifts with Billy McLaughlin
Join SimpleGifts with Billy McLaughlin - live at Mount Olivet!
As long-time fans will tell you, SimpleGifts makes musical magic by bringing a modern flair to traditional Christmas carols and hymns. SimpleGifts combines violin, Celtic flutes and bagpipes, piano, acoustic guitar and percussion with angelic three part female vocals to create a “modern Old-World” sound.
Light refreshments will be served in the Community Room during intermission.
Find more information about SimpleGifts HERE.
Faith Formation Co-Op Listening Session
The Faith Formation Co-Op Team is listening to 5th-8th students during programming on Wednesday, December 11 from 7-7:45pm. More listening sessions coming soon!
Find out more about the Faith Formation Co-Op Team process HERE.
OWLS: Christmas Potluck Luncheon
December is almost here! We will gather together on December 11th at 12pm in the conference room for a Christmas potluck luncheon. Please bring a dish to share. Any and all dishes are welcome. Following the potluck, we’ll have time for fellowship.
Please RSVP to Barb & Curt Schoenrock
Advent Concert
Join our Mount Olivet Musicians in a worship service full of music of the Advent season. We celebrate with voices and band, bells and spoken word.
The Advent Concert takes place during 9am and 10:45am worship services on Sunday, December 8.
Interested in joining the Advent Concert choir?
Join in the fun as part of our larger choral ensemble. Contact Angela for more information, agritton@moply.org.
Conversations about Beginnings
Join Beth McGrew-King in the Fireside Room for an inter-generational conversation about beginnings. We'll have treats, take a look at the Advent calendar word of the day, share stories, and for those so inclined -- make a little art together. This MOtalk is intended for ALL AGES -- come and connect across generations on Sunday, December 1 at 10am as we enter the season of Advent. Copies of the Advent calendar will also be available during this session and on the Welcome Counter.
Faith Formation Listening Session
Join the Faith Formation Co-Op team in the Conference Room and share your insights on the challenges today’s youth face and how we can support their future at Mount Olivet! Can’t make this date? Other sessions are coming soon!
Find out more about the Faith Formation Co-Op Team HERE.
Woven Book Discussion
Curious about practical ways to nurture your kids' faith? Whether you're parenting littles or teens, come and find community with other parents along with simple practices that connect to the life your family actually has. This is not a conversation about fitting more stuff into our busy lives, so much as it is a conversation about doing less with purpose.
Join Beth McGrew-King for a book discussion of Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From by Meredith Miller. Read or listen to the book ahead of time. Then pick up a community meal (or bring your dinner) and meet in the Conference Room from 6-7:30pm on Monday, November 18. RSVP below. Friends are welcome!
Want to join the discussion, but don’t have the time to read ahead? Come anyway! Beth will offer a quick recap at the start of the discussion, and you are welcome whether you read or listened to the whole book ahead of time or not.
Can't make this date, but want to participate in something like this in the future -- let us know in the sign up. Have questions? Contact Beth Mc-K at emcgrewking@moply.org.
Faith Formation Listening Session
Join the Faith Formation Co-Op team in the Fireside Room and share your insights on the challenges today’s youth face and how we can support their future at Mount Olivet! Can’t make this date? Other sessions are coming soon!
Find out more about the Faith Formation Co-Op Team HERE.
M.O.R.E. Event - Call for Justice and Healing MNMN Conference
In the midst of division, we believe that within our various religious and spiritual communities lies wisdom, experiences, and practices that can contribute to healing and the work of justice. During the Minnesota Multifaith Network conference we not only will name the realities of our divisions but share and experience ways that healing and justice might be our shared commitment and work.
5th-8th Youth Choir Elective
For three weeks (11/13, 11/20, 12/4), 5th-8th students choose an elective learning track. Students who love singing are invited to join Angela Gritton for youth choir rehearsals and to sing in the Advent Concert on Sunday, December 8 at both services.
5th-6th students who don’t enjoy singing are invited to explore curious Old Testament Bible stories, and 7th-8th students will continue with their learning about the 10 Commandments. Whichever track students choose, they must stick with it for the three weeks.
Have questions? Contact Rich Holleque or Beth Mc-K.
Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLS) Potluck Soup Lunch
November 13, 2024 at 12:00 in the Conference Room at Mt Olivet
Make a pot of your favorite family Soup recipe and bring it for everyone to share.
Or you can bring bread or dessert
M.O.R.E. Event - Northside Achievement Zone Tour
Embark on an expedition through Northside neighborhoods, as we delve into the community's vibrant history, present-day issues and dynamics, and the many transformations underway, along with the important role that community support plays in these developments. It's an opportunity to learn about where North Minneapolis has been, how we got here, and most importantly, where we're going!
M.O.R.E. Event - Jazz Concert at Capri Theater
Enjoy an afternoon of smooth jazz at the Capri Theater in North Minneapolis. Known for their smooth, soulful sounds, vocalists in the critically acclaimed group Co-MingL pay homage to the rich musical majesty of Lionel Richie. Fall in love all over again to Richie’s classic pop, R&B and soul music standards, from his solo career, duets, and, of course, those unforgettable hits from his years with the Commodores. The performance will leave you feeling nostalgic in your heart and excited in your soul!
New Member Brunch
On Sunday, November 10 at 10am, join the pastors, staff and others new to Mount Olivet in the Conference Room for a light brunch and an opportunity to learn more about MO's vision and connect with others who are new to MO. Kids welcome! To RSVP and help us plan for food, sign up HERE.
Find out more about membership at Mount Olivet HERE.
Fix It Clinic in partnership with Hennepin County
Bring your broken household items to a free Fix-It Clinic and work together with friendly, skilled volunteers to diagnose, troubleshoot and fix your stuff (last items accepted at 3:30pm). We can help you with small appliances, clothing that is clean, electronics, mobile devices and more. Examples of what to bring: vacuum cleaners, lamps, fans, clothes, other kitchen and household small appliances, toys, electronics.
Fix-It Clinics teach valuable troubleshooting and basic repair skills, build community connections and reduce the number of repairable things that are thrown in the trash. For more information, visit hennepin.us/fixitclinic or contact program coordinator Nancy Lo at nancy.lo@hennepin.us or 612-348-9195. Please email nancy.lo@hennepin.us if you would like to volunteer!
Clinics are held on the second weekend of every month in different cities around Hennepin County. https://www.hennepin.us/fixitclinic
M.O.R.E. Event - Overcoming Racism Conference
Sessions include one on reparations & faith institutions
All Saints Worship
Each year we remember loved ones who have passed away in the last 12 months. To commemorate them, a special worship service will be held at our Historic Chapel at 7pm on Sunday, November 5.
To include your loved one's name in the list to be read aloud during the service, please fill out the form HERE, or add their name to the list on the Welcome Counter.
GPS Book Signing
Former Senior Pastor John Strommen has written a book and is excited to share it with the MO community! He will be here on October 27 from 3:30-5:30pm in the Fireside Room to sign books and meet and greet friends and neighbors. Books can be purchased at the event ($5 discount) or on John's website HERE.
Be sure to come and congratulate John on this wonderful accomplishment!
5th-8th Retreats
The 5th-6th Worship Leadership Retreat and 7th-8th -Welcoming Retreat will happen concurrently on Friday, October 25 giving 5th-8th graders time to eat together and play games together on their retreats. The 5th-6th students will have hands on learning and practice around leading in worship, and 7th-8th students will engage in hands-on community building around welcoming.