We are called to share and be generous
The center of our mission and vision at Mount Olivet is our faith in God and God’s call for us to share with others - so everyone can have abundant life.
We become a community partnering with God in the world as we share our passions and presence and give of our financial gifts.
GIVING COMMITMENT to mount olivet
Giving to Mount Olivet supports and enriches our mission and ministry and impacts our partnerships in the community.
Committing to a regular contribution allows Mount Olivet to effectively plan and manage our financial resources. If you set up online giving, please also take a moment to also fill out the pledge form below so we are able to budget more accurately. Thank you!
Ways to Give
Electronic giving
Use our online form for one-time gifts or create a profile for tracking recurring donations. It's easy to get signed up with your checking account or credit card.
at mount olivet
You can give with cash/check by stopping by the church office, or in the offering plate during worship. Let us know if you would like labeled offering envelopes to use during offering.
children's offering
During offering we set out a basket at the front of church that is for our Children's offering. Children of all ages are invited to come forward and drop an offering in the basket. All funds collected through the children's offering are distributed to ELCA World Hunger.
thrivent choice dollars
Eligible Thrivent members can recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes some of its charitable grant funds each year among thousands of enrolled churches and nonprofit organizations, including Mount Olivet.
Stock gifts
Some members prefer to transfer stock as a gift. Securities donations are sold as soon as possible after a transfer to our Fidelity account. Download the PDF for instructions.
IRA Charitable rollover
A giving option for those age 70 1/2 and older.