Until the Story is Told - The Welcome Teams
I’ve heard one member describe volunteering with the Welcome Team as
enjoying the full meal.
Somehow this intention of noticing and connecting
with new and new-to-me faces
Makes the whole experience of church feel more like church—
that connection makes this time of gathering for worship
Meaningful and rich.
Not just for others, but FOR US too.
And also while name tags can be awkward and inefficient
sometimes the awkward and inefficient can be a place for connection,
conversation and an excuse to be curious,
to learn a name and make a friend.
Photo and Poem by Beth McGrew-King
The Welcome Teams greet, connect and help people around worship on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Interested in joining one of these fun teams on Sunday or Wednesday? Contact Beth McGrew-King. Volunteering with the Welcome Team is flexible — once a month, every six weeks, or even just as a substitute when your schedule permits. It’s a fun way to meet new friends!