20 Years and 180 Books Later

20 Years and 180 Books Later

Since 1996 a group of Mount Olivet women have been meeting, discussing books, having desserts, and building relationships.

Group founder, Vicky Hubbell, saw the many small groups at Mount Olivet but none seemed like the right fit. Her love of reading and the rising popularity of book clubs led her to starting one at MO.

180 books later they've branched out from reading, to bookstore visits, attending author talks, and service projects.

The promise comes close-advent thoughts on the unexpected and specific ways God enters in

The promise comes close-advent thoughts on the unexpected and specific ways God enters in

There is something about this season of Advent that reveals the darkness and despair of our time.  In the barrage of consumerism, there is still such need for families to have basic things like safe housing, food and clothing.  Depression, loneliness and grief are heightened as memories of what has been flood back and expectations for what should be creep in. 

Yet God knows and enters in.




The Promise Comes Close...Advent thoughts on broken hearts and weakness

The Promise Comes Close...Advent thoughts on broken hearts and weakness

Joel 2:12-13, 28-29 - In these verses, Joel doesn’t speak of God’s need for us to live up to the grand promises we make to God. Instead, he speaks about God’s longing to dwell with us right where we are, in the complexities and pains and broken hopes and regrets of our lives. “Rend your hearts and not your clothing,” God says through Joel. All God requires of us is what life eventually makes in us: a broken heart.

The promise comes close...advent thoughts on lions, power and presence

The promise comes close...advent thoughts on lions, power and presence

Power, evil and manipulation are real. They fester in insecurity and fearfully within groups.  We see it like graffiti all over religious and political history and on bathroom walls.  Yet, the promise we find in this story is that in the midst of this mounting power of the world, God enters with a different kind of power, one that is quiet and hidden.