Through out the listening we've done as a congregation this year, a major theme has been a hunger for cross-generational connection at Mount Olivet. On Wednesday, April 30 from 6-8pm come and connect across generations as we take a Generational Tour with guest speaker, Dawn Rundman, Ph.D. Silent Generation, Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, Zoomers, Gen Alpha. You’ve likely heard these names for generations. Let’s dive into how understanding the experiences, values, and needs of each generation can help you develop intergenerational ministry that matters.
Dawn Rundman is a nationally-recognized presenter, author, and resource provider specializing in children's faith development. She holds a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology and is currently the Director of Congregational Development and Marketing at Augsburg Fortress Publishers.
Event Schedule:
6-6:30pm: Welcome & Snacks in the Welcome Center
6:30-7:15pm: Generational Tour in the Worship Center
7:15-8pm: Play and Connect