Outdoor Worship Stories

My family became members of MO in the fall and when I learned about the outdoor worship services in the spring I was very excited. At the time we did not have kids yet but did have our dog, Marshall. We started attending the outdoor services all together as a family, and I really feel like it brought me closer to God.  I love hearing the birds chirp, I love seeing the children dance and play, I love feeling the grass and dirt on my feet, I love smelling the sweet summer air, I love feeling the sun's heat on my face, I love feeling the raindrops on my skin, I love that Marshall can come and lie right next to me, and I love feeling the wind against my back. There is something about experiencing this world that God created while dwelling in his word. It absolutely brings me closer to God and enhances the experience of church. As my immediate family has grown and my extended family has visited, I always try to bring them to our outdoor services. My two girls dance to the wonderful music and enjoy blessing our dog Marshall after communion.  My extended family seems to be just as consumed by God and his amazing creations after the outdoor service as well. We have been fortunate enough to baptize one of our girls outdoors too, and this will be a service I always keep close to my heart.  Plain and simple; nature brings peace and tranquility to my soul, just like God's word. 

- Toni Swanson

My family and I are Wednesday night attendees during the school year, as our kids have been involved in programming for the last decade. Each summer, we love to transition to Sunday worship outside. Being out in the back nature grove at Mount Olivet has an amazing, peaceful and welcoming vibe. It’s a way to see worship as a part of community gathering, rejuvenation for our hearts and minds, and allows us each to pause and reconsider why we choose to be members and friends of Mount Olivet in community together. From my perspective, we not only enjoy this time together, outdoor worship seems to be in even more open space, welcoming all, whether it’s those already comfortable in a church setting or not, those familiar with MO or not yet, those who feel they fit in or who are wrestling with uncertainty. I believe this space fits with our mission of being community. Personally, I also find outdoor worship a balm for my both my physical body and my soul. We live within a couple of miles, and I love to walk through French park, through the wooded paths on my way to church on Sunday mornings. It’s a great way to find balance and rejuvenation, and always leaves me feeling grateful for life.

- Karla Buerkle

I enjoy the outdoor service because it is so wonderful to worship in the midst of God's creation. Being outside, I am grateful for my basic needs, fresh air, sun for nutrition, plants for oxygen. Thank you Lord.

- Marlene Stimpson