6:30-8PM // Fireside Room
This year during Lent, instead of giving something up or taking something on, we will TAKE STOCK of what we have already been given. What is already in your life’s pantry and what will you create with it? What does God have to say about what you have, and where are you called to share it? What might you need to tend to? What might you need to let go of?
We will help each other TAKE STOCK of what God has already given us through worship, learning, conversation, and prayer. Gifted teachers have been enlisted to lead us through discernment around where our weekly themes might be showing up in our lives. Cost is $25 for the series, however, if you are unable to attend all the sessions, you are invited to pay at the door the nights you do attend - $5/session. Come for the free community meal beforehand, then join us for learning and dessert in the Fireside Room. Childcare is available for a freewill donation (suggested $5/child). Please register here.
Monday, March 2 Time & Money // Rollie Martinson
Monday, March 9 Noticing How You Show Up // Jennie Antolak
Monday, March 16 Exploring Your Family of Origin // Karen Stevensen
Monday, March 23 Living Your Values // Jennie Antolak
Monday, March 30 Giving & Receiving Support // Rollie Martinson